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How do I build a flyer?

Our Flyer Builder allows you to create customized flyers with your logo and the products you want to feature.

To access our flyer builder, you must be logged in.  Mouse over Resources in the navigation menu and choose Flyer Builder.  You can also access the flyer builder via your account area or by clicking here.


On the flyer builder page, you'll find many options for your flyer. The first is logo location -- you can choose to have your logo on the left side of the page, right side, center, or to not have a logo at all.  If you are going to use a logo, you'll need to upload one.  This only needs to be done one time.  To upload your logo, click the blue Browse button and navigate to your logo file on your computer and then click Open.


You can then choose a color theme for your flyer.  As you select colors from the drop-down, you'll see a preview by your logo image. 


Below the color theme selection drop-down, you'll find areas to add:

Header Content - Anything you type here will show in the header of your flyer.  Some users like to name their flyer or add their contact info here.

Effective Range - Here you can select an effective date range for your flyer that will show in the flyer header.  If you click the Yes radio button, two fields will appear for you to select your starting and end date.


Footer Content - Anything you type here will show in the footer of your flyer.  Some users like to add specifics for deals or financing information, or a contact phone number.

Below the design section, you'll find the Products section.  Here, you'll add products to your flyer.  Simply type the part number into the Part Number field and hit tab on your keyboard.  By default, your price will appear in the price field.  Click on the Price Select drop-down to choose a preset such as retail price (to match our Toolweb flyer) or a percentage markup.  You can also type a custom price directly into the price field to set the product price to whatever you'd like.


By default, flyers will include the product's long description.  You can remove this description from all products in your flyer by unchecking the Show Long Description checkbox.


You can also add additional text below the long description by adding text to the Custom Description field.


As you enter products, you'll get additional rows of fields to add more.  When you're done adding products, click the blue Create Flyer button.  Your flyer will open in a new tab in your browser for you to review.  If you're satisfied with your flyer, click the Create PDF button and save your file to your computer.